Saturday, February 11, 2006

New Year, High Hopes

It was boxing day and I was driving back home to play in a football match.

I got a text message from Scott (party animal and Mr Marketing at Littlewoods).
It finished off saying ' I am expecting big things from you this year'

The next day I sat down at computer for my first game for about 7 days.
I started by playing in a £11 STT qualifier for the £15k. I was happy to say I won that after my QQ (yes I won with QQ) beat AK.

8pm 315 players.
12.44am 1 player me. My first ever win

Dear Clinton,
Thank you for participating in the tournament "£15K TUESDAY 1582226", on Dec 28 2005 12:44AM GMT.
Congratulations! You placed 1st and won 4016.25 GBP!

Two things stood out for me in this game. One of the sites top players slickqwik was watching and when it was down to 7 people, he quoted odds on who would win. I was about 4th/5th at the time and he made me second favourite behind s shooter who was in 2nd/3rd. I was well happy with this and would happily settle for 2nd as I had a couple of 3rds and 4ths, but nothing better.
Players slowly went out and when s shooter knocked out the 2nd place guy. I was left heads up, as slickqwik had predicted - knowing who you are playing against gives you an edge.
He had 560k, I had 70k. 9 hands later it was all over. I had won!

The other realisation was that 'it ain't over till its over'

I hardly played again for a few days, with new year and preparing for work again.
December ended up a record month +£3.5k

On the 3rd January, I started my new job as Marketing Controller within Jordans Cereals. I thought this might be the end of my poker playing. So that night I was determined to have a game. I also wanted to defend my title from the previous Tuesday.

8pm 254 players
12.44am (again) 1 player - my 2nd win. £4,200.

I defended my title. Olaf was the runner up on this occasion.
This meant more to me than the first one as it proved it was no fluke. My game was really coming together.
This was the ideal start to the year. January finished at +£5k.

With work I have had a lot less time to play, but I am determined to keep improving at this game.

The qualifiers for the World Series are starting and that is my next aim.
February has started well enough and I have already qualified for the $600k in April.

8 months since starting I have won 2 holidays (Las Vegas & St.Kitts) as well as over £16k through online poker tournaments.

I hope that this year, poker will bring me more success.

As we are up to the present day, I will let you follow my progress from now on in.

Good Luck to you all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job on the wins CO, long overdue! May there be many more.... See you in Vegas for the main event!