Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A New Beginning

Well its good to be back!
I hope everyone is well and has been enjoying themselves and their poker.

I enjoyed writing my blog because I believed it helped some people and many said it was a good read.
So apologies for being away, but I am now back.

A quick explanation is in order I feel, without too much details!

I always felt 2008 was going to be the year that defined my life, I just did not realise the ramifications of it!
2008 has hit me very hard indeed, I have pretty much lost most things that mattered to me and its now time to start all over again.

But don't worry you can't keep a good guy down for too long.

The Caribbean Poker Classic is only a few days away and its time to get playing again.

I have played very little poker since the Summer, I guess I did not want to lose that from my life as well!
I remember saying to my football team, well at least I have still have my football, five minutes later I broke my foot! LOL. So you can see why I have been careful with Poker!

So for those of you going to the Caribbean, I look forward to catching up, if not I will catch you online soon.

I will be posting on here regularly now, so please check back in soon.

Take Care


Anonymous said...

good to see you back mate...TheDeacon

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back mate...Joe aka TheDeacon

Small Stakes Poker said...

hope things ok
gl gl

Anonymous said...

Welcome back my friend. To the future!